
Terms and conditionc

Effective Date: [ 17/ 07 /2023 ]

Thanks for visiting [Your Broadband ISP Name]. You consent to being bound by the aforementioned Terms and Conditions by signing up for our broadband internet services. Before using our services, carefully read these terms. You shouldn't continue with the subscription if you disagree with any element of these terms.

Service Description

We offer both residential and commercial clients high-speed broadband internet connectivity.

Depending on the subscribed plan, the service includes wired or wireless internet connectivity.

Depending on variables like location, network congestion, and the chosen plan, the internet speed and service accessibility may change.

We have the right to change, improve, or stop offering any part of the service at any time and without warning.

Payment and Billing

The customer's chosen plan will determine the subscription fee and any additional costs for the broadband service.

All fees and related taxes must be paid by customers as shown on the billing statement.

Payment options include credit/debit cards and electronic fund transfers, among other accepted payment options.

Failure to make timely payments may result in the suspension or termination of the broadband service.

Data Usage

To make sure that all consumers have equitable access to resources, we can create a Fair Usage Policy (FUP). The ISP maintains the right to reduce internet speed or levy additional fees if a customer's data use goes beyond the FUP limit.

The customer must refrain from engaging in any illegal, damaging, or abusive acts when using the broadband service, such as spamming, hacking, or disseminating malware.

Speeds and Performance

We work hard to provide consumers with the fastest internet speeds possible. However, actual speeds could differ because of things that are beyond of our control, like equipment limits and network congestion.

The ISP does not guarantee continuous service, and there may be occasional interruptions due to repair or technical difficulties.


Customers may receive equipment from us, such as routers. The appropriate operation and upkeep of this equipment are the responsibility of the customer.

In the event of a malfunction or damage to the equipment that was not the customer's fault, we will make the necessary repairs or replacements.

Service Availability and Downtime

We strives to keep a dependable and approachable service. However, there may be times when service is interrupted because of upkeep or unavoidable situations.

The ISP must inform consumers of any planned maintenance that could cause brief service interruptions.

Privacy and Security

We respects its customers' privacy and abides by all relevant data protection regulations. We describe how we gather, handle, and safeguard consumer information in our privacy policy.

Customers are in responsible for safeguarding the confidentiality of their login information and making sure that no unauthorized individuals are able to access their accounts.

Prohibited Activities

The customer pledges not to use the broadband service for any actions that are against regional, governmental, or global rules and laws.

Unauthorized access to networks, sending inflammatory content, and violating intellectual property rights are only a few examples of prohibited behavior.

Termination and Cancellation

Customers can stop their internet service whenever they want by using the specified procedure.

we have the right to stop providing service to a customer if they violate these terms and conditions or for any other legal grounds.

You accept that you have read, understood, and agreed to these Terms & Conditions by choosing to subscribe to the broadband service provided by us. Please get in touch with our customer service if you need any help or if you have any questions or issues. Call us on +91 9117720666 , +91 6204067052.